Friday, July 11, 2008

finally an update!

yes after several comments that the blog hasnt been updated in over a month I figured I would get my butt on here and do so.

it has been very busy lately with my going back to work, zachary in daycare and Jason is currently in the process of leaving his current job and starting a new one in a week. we have to figure out insurance options ASAP along with me modifying my work schedule so that we can try to carpool so he doesnt have to pay for parking so we can save some money and figure out how we can drop Zach off before we start work so we arent late. they open at 6:45 and I normally start work at 7. I have been running to doctors appointments weekly and am finally able to come off my pills in a few weeks for my blood pressure.

its been busy but thanks to my mom we have been able to have one day to ourselves in over a month and a half. on saturday we went to our friends house for a 4th of July party. It was certainly nice to not have to worry about Zachary and enjoy ourselves. We have been doing so much of worrying what we are going to do, worrying about other people etc that we needed a break.

Jason and I were sick since sunday/monday with some stomach bug. fun is..I think we are finally getting better.

the baby is getting so big...we had his 2 month checkup yesterday. He is now 12 lbs 9 oz and he grew 2 inches in length. he had his first round of shots which went ok...he was cranky so he had to take some baby tylenol every 4 hours for a little bit.

he is smiling now which is really cute...Ive updated our webshots with some new pictures. HE IS TOO CUTE!!!

more to come later...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Zachary is adorable!

Glad to hear all is well with you! Will have to stop by soon!