Wednesday, October 15, 2008

baby food

well I am experimenting with making baby food for Zach. Today is squash and carrots. I also picked up some avocado, bananas and sweet potato to cook up. they had some yo baby yogurts that I decided might also be good for him so I will mix in some oatmeal and try that as well. I want Zach to have a wide variety of things to try so maybe when he's older he will like more veggies and fruits than I like!
I've noticed so far he likes texture as opposed to fully pureed foods. we got him some all natural apple sauce that he really likes and its a bit lumpy.

1 comment:

Nancy E said...

Make sure you introduce them one week at a time, in case he reacts strangely to something.... but you knew that, huh? Miss you guys, but glad you're updating the blog frequently. I have to update ours better, while my computer is behaving. Maybe see you Halloween?